Communication is the backbone of every organization.

We accompany and support transformation and cultural change processes.

Erfolgreich mit CBE DIGIDEN

Times are turbulent and change is on the agenda in almost all companies. With our methodological expertise, modern tools, a wealth of experience and empathy, we accompany change and cultural change processes and support the further development of internal communication as a strategic management task. Our services range from strategic consulting and coaching to the reorganization of internal communication.

We enable your managers and employees to communicate sustainably in order to work together more productively, more committedly and more creatively. We have an eye for the big picture, are hands-on and pragmatic, but still passionate. Together with our colleagues from the other fields of expertise, we cover the entire spectrum of communication, from analog to digital.

Communication is the key to successful change processes.
Change mit CBE DIGIDEN

More than half of all change projects still do not achieve their goals. Studies confirm that insufficient communication is one of the main reasons for this.

Communication must explain the change and ensure acceptance and motivation so that managers and employees understand the meaning of the change. Today’s transformation processes are complex – regardless of whether the reason is a cultural change process, a restructuring, a merger or a change of CEO. Change has become a permanent condition, and this presents management, communication and HR with new challenges.

We work with our customers to develop concepts and measures in the co-working process. We advise international corporations, medium-sized companies and public institutions.

Expertise / Services

Veraenderung Kulturwandel Prozesse Change Internal Communication

Change & cultural transformation processes

Communication is both a cultural driver and a success factor for shaping change processes. The involvement of employees plays a decisive role in this.

Shwetha Shankar 137724 Unsplash

Executive communication

The demands on leadership have changed: These days, every manager is also a change manager. Communication is a leadership skill that is critical to success.

Storytelling Content Production2 Change Internal Communication

Storytelling & content production

Every change process begins with a change story. We work with you to develop the relevant foundations and create target group-specific content.

Dayne Topkin Y5 MFlLMwJk Unsplash

Corporate Newsrooms

Thinking in terms of topics instead of channels allows us to organize communication in a contemporary way. A newsroom affects the dimensions of organization, culture and technology.

Leitbildentwicklung Leitbildeinfuehrung Change Internal Communication

Mission statement development & introduction

Getting to the heart of self-image, values and principles in an authentic way is no easy task. The most important thing is to bring the mission statement to life.

Melissa Finley Scala Wellness Lovely MJ53gH8lDkc Unsplash

New Work

The world of work is changing: “New work” concerns the dimensions of skills, leadership, culture, technology and spaces. We need new concepts for this.


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Our customers

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GSG Berlin Kundenlogo
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berlinovo IMMOBILIEN Kundenlogo
Fresenius Kundenlogo
BG RCI Kundenlogo
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50hertz Elia Group. Kunde der CBE DIGIDEN AG.
Senatskanzlei be Berlin
Kundenlogo IT-Dienstleistungszentrum Berlin (ITDZ Berlin)
Berliner Sparkasse Kundenlogo
Volkswagen Kunde der CBE DIGIDEN AG.

Our other areas of expertise:




campaigns+content communication

We combine strategy with creativity, hard facts with emotions and get your messages across in a nutshell. With communication that touches, surprises and inspires people. This is how we build resilient relationships, convey complex issues and enter into dialogue.

digital communication

Consulting, development, design and programming – we support you in the digitalization of communication and business processes.

live+virtual communication

We attach great importance to the perfect interplay of architecture, scenography, interactive staging, design, digital technologies and modern communication.


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