We combine strategy with creativity
and hard facts with emotions.

Aufmerksamkeit mit CBE DIGIDEN

We combine strategy with creativity, hard facts with emotions and get to the heart of your messages. With communication that touches, surprises and inspires people. This is how we build resilient relationships, convey complex issues and enter into dialog.

Good communication improves the world.
Kreativität bei CBE DIGIDEN

Whether it is about communicating complex topics in an understandable way or creating strong, emotional connections between you and your audience: Our interdisciplinary team of around 20 communication experts focuses on innovative communication strategies that emotionally charge brands and anchor them in people’s minds. Our aim is to use creative and meaningful approaches to bring about positive change through communication. The focus is on structured cooperation between you and us – because this is the only way good communication can succeed.

Talk to us about how we can help your brand or your company to communicate effectively.

Expertise / Services

CBE DIGIDEN Bcc Expertise Strategische Kommunikation

Strategy for Brands and Campaigns

Image campaigns
Product campaigns
Employer branding campaigns
CEO positioning
Brand profiling

CBE DIGIDEN Bcc Expertisenkachel Akzeptanzkommunikation

Content Design

Content Creation
Key Visuals
Logos and Signets
Image and Motion Design

Cbedigidencampaigns Content Public Relations And Social Media Quadrat

Public Relations and Social Media

Press relations
Stakeholder communication
Political communication
Social media editing
Community Management

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Unleash potential

CBE DIGIDEN launched the anniversary campaign “75 years of Cornelsen” with the traditional Berlin publishing house Cornelsen. The campaign brought the key theme of education to life with touching films, an extensive landing page and the unusual artwork of “bookstagrammer” James Trevino.

More about the anniversary campaign

campaigns+content communication

more about the image campaign

campaigns+content communication

More on NEP acceptance communication

campaigns+content communication

more about the private banking image campaign

Our customers

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Kundenlogo Deutsche Bahn AG
50hertz Elia Group. Kunde der CBE DIGIDEN AG.
Elten Logo Cbe Digiden
Kundenlogo Siemens Healthineers AG
Kundenlogo der EEW Energy from Waste GmbH
Volkswagen Kunde der CBE DIGIDEN AG.
TRANSNET BW Kundenlogo
BAYER AG Kundenlogo
Berliner Sparkasse Kundenlogo
GSG Berlin Kundenlogo
Kundenlogo Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG
amprion Kundenlogo
Senatskanzlei be Berlin
DOMUS Kundenlogo
TenneT TSO GmbH Kunenlogo
berlinovo IMMOBILIEN Kundenlogo
Kundenlogo Siemens Energy AG
Kundenlogo des DTAD – der führenden Akquiseplattform
FNB Gas – Die Fernleitungsnetzbetreiber.

Our other areas of expertise:





change+internal communication

Our services range from strategic consulting and coaching to the reorganization of internal communication as a strategic management task.

dialoguue+participation communication

Dialogue at eye level, information based on honesty, participation that is not just about talking.

digital communication

Consulting, development, design and programming – we support you in the digitalization of communication and business processes.

live+virtual communication

We attach great importance to the perfect interplay of architecture, scenography, interactive staging, design, digital technologies and modern communication.


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