7 guiding stars for good communication

Pioneering visions create shared success

We offer creativity with know-how and passion with intelligence. We want to achieve something through our communication and meet at eye level. Because when working together, nothing is as important and liberating as meaningfulness, ambition and success. Some agencies have a set of values, we trust in our seven guiding stars.

Our 7 guiding stars
1 Qualität


is our goal in everything we do. We work to a high standard and want to achieve the best possible results. We act with foresight, are reliable and always think a little further than expected.

2 Neugier


drives us, in our thoughts and actions. With an eye on the world, we use trends and changes to constantly advance ourselves and our work. Because one thing is certain: change is the new normal, and we are right in the middle of it.

3 Verantwortungsbewusstsein

A Sense of responsibility

characterizes our collaboration. We know our strengths and take responsibility until the task is completed. We trust in solidarity within the team and in the commitment of each individual.

4 Mut


strengthens us to recognize the right thing and to achieve common goals. This requires independent thinking, strength of character and assertiveness all at the same time.

5 Erfolg


is the reward for our work. It makes us proud. We measure ourselves against it and have the will to remain successful. Do we make mistakes? Yes, they are part of life and encourage us to do better next time.

6 Respekt


is our foundation in dealing with each other. We show and desire trust. We focus on mutual appreciation, commitment in communication and the recognition of ideas and performance.

7 Nachhaltigkeit


is a shared task. We pay attention to our counterpart’s resources, our own and those of our environment. We start with ourselves and work towards managing CBE DIGIDEN more sustainably at all levels.