Federal program
“Region gestalten” (shaping regions)
Innovative communication concept and new website for the federal “Region gestalten” program
23.10.2024Federal program “Region gestalten” (shaping regions) – communication concept and website
The federal government is pursuing the goal of creating equal living conditions in all regions of Germany – especially in rural areas. In order to ensure equal living conditions, the Home Department of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Home Affairs (BMI) is promoting projects in the area of spatial planning and social cohesion as part of the federal program “Region gestalten” (shaping regions). To ensure the success of this federal program, CBE DIGIDEN provides support in the areas of communication and corporate design, among others.
Communication concept as the basis for uniform communication in the federal program “Region gestalten” (shaping regions)
The federal program “Region gestalten” (shaping regions) sees itself as a source of inspiration to a large extent. It supports the implementation and dissemination of innovative, forward-looking solutions to improve regional working and living conditions. In addition, the program promotes innovative concepts and concrete development projects in rural areas – in order to reach as many decision-makers as possible at the local level and ultimately to tap into new potential for the development of the region.
In order for these innovative solutions and development projects to be established holistically, communication is particularly important in the federal program “Region gestalten” (shaping regions). CBE DIGIDEN is supporting this communication measure together with VDI/VDE-IT.
New website as a core element of project communication
The communication measures that CBE DIGIDEN supports include the communication concept as the basis for strategic public relations work and the communicative support, such as the creation of brochures and newsletters or editorial text creation.
The website serves as a digital communication channel and forms the core element of project communication. After all, the website is the central point of contact for interested parties, participants and partners. The program, the funded projects, the basic intentions, the procedures, as well as developments and project progress are told from the perspective of those involved. This “storytelling approach” ensures a lively and exciting presentation of background reports and success stories.
Through this digital and transparent communication on the website, decision-makers and actors are given impulses for options for action. For this reason, current information such as announcements of upcoming events, dates or reviews of event formats are an essential part of this platform.

Communication concept and website for the federal program Region Gestalten
Development of a modern and meaningful web design
In order to sharpen the identity of the federal program, CBE DIGIDEN is also responsible for the development of a logo and corporate design in addition to the areas of communication. This includes the layout concept, the conception and design of the website as well as the image concept. The design of the website is based on the corporate design of the federal government and the overarching design approach of the program.
Furthermore, the clear structure, the simple operation and the clear design of the new website are user-friendly. This means that the target group can quickly find their way around the platform. The content and graphic design of the website also ensures that program participants, decision-makers in municipalities, regions, state and federal ministries can quickly and intuitively convey all relevant information to their specialist audience and the interested public.