Critical conditions in Europe require a drastic picture in order to bring about an EU-wide landfill ban.

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Image motif via AI: Critical conditions in Europe require a drastic image in order to bring about an EU-wide landfill ban.



EEW Energy from Waste GmbH


Michael de Gelmini Associated Partner | Head of brand+content communication brand+content communication
Michael de Gelmini

Head of campaigns+content communication

Energy from Waste GmbH (EEW) advocates an EU-wide ban on landfilling, because it would not only save significant amounts of CO2, but above all it would bring Europe closer to the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and could achieve the EU’s self-imposed target of 10% of municipal waste being landfilled. It is mainly countries with a high landfill rate that are opposed to such a plan.

In order to illustrate the drastic dimension of the daily burden on European landfills, CBE DIGIDEN developed a corresponding motif using AI at a European Parliament event in Brussels.